Tuesday 21 April 2009

Monday 13 April 2009

Cythera by Ian Hamilton Finlay

These are from a piece called "Cythera" by Ian Hamilton Finlay. They belong to a ring of standing stones situated near a busy road in my home town of Hamilton. They have been vandalised to an extent but are still clean. Layers of stone are beginning to crumble but they remain solid. They are framed by the sky as every element of earth should be. When I look up at them I feel both solid and as light as a leaf in air. I feel the earth and I feel the sky. I feel rooted and I feel transcendent.

There are more which I may post at some later date. For now, these words are for me today. They exist for today. This day, as all days, I am of earth and heaven. I am both. When the balance is right, I exist centrally, solidly, softly. I have direction and belonging. I am of and I am to. Of and to. This is a blessing as words on stone are a blessing. Reaching from and to. For, of, in, up, to. Today, somedays, all daze.


Co-op n Out

Monday 6 April 2009

Please take a look at ach/och , my blog of Scottish pwoermds, started as part of InterNaPwoWriMo.