Monday 5 December 2011


A Quick Word in Yer Ear

I've really only been posting random found text and the occasional doodle of late. Most of my work has veered in directions which don't quite fit the blog, but I really want to keep plugging away here and had thought about posting thoughts, reflections, rants which don't really relate to the work as such. We'll see about that.

In the meantime, I'll just say that a lot of the poems I've been writing have been abstract experiments which I wanted to try out on a few journals rather than post here. There's been some success so far and a few are due out in online magazines next year. I've also been writing a prose book about Christian spirituality which I hope to finish this month. It's nice to write prose. I get all lyrical and elevated, which is what poetry can be, though not really for me. I guess I'm a poet who likes to write prose. My collection, Lunar Poems for New Religions, is also due out from Colin Herd's anything anymore anywhere press next year. More about that soon.

There will be more found text, some window doodles (see above) and I'm hoping to make some sound poetry songs (perhaps in the new year), along with the occasional finished concrete piece. So, forward, with gusto, to the dying of the year and on . . .

It's snowing here in the West of Scotland. Lovely, but dirty too because of all the mucky tyre tracks along the street. How easily beauty is spoiled! (Told you I get lyrical around prose!) So here's a little pwoermd of winter wonderment:


Something is telling me I should also be posting some spontaneous experimental utterances along the lines of random typing figures, so here's a little of that too:

sm#ll one way to go on out of utter udderance.

Jings, that was liberating!

Love & peace through the deep dark winter . . .
